Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Into the End Times...

Happy New Years everybody. Only 11ish months until Ragnarock/Armageddon/Z-Day, if you believe the Mayans/current nut-jobs. So I'll do my part in helping the world along by tattooing as much evil shit as possible in the coming year. Satan, Frost Giants, Cthulhu, Bankers, you name it.

Anyways, enough silliness. Two flash sheets are complete (yeah I know I'm slow) and I am starting the third tomorrow. Here's a little preview:

Sheet 1

Sheet 2

Also My coworker Rob (purveyor of beard knowledge and maker of the world's best bacon) gave me this as a belated Christmas gift. He claims it is the best beer in the world. Tomorrow I'll open it up and see:

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