Friday, October 19, 2012

Big news, announcements, and whatnot.

After lots of hard work from everyone on the crew I am pleased to announce that the shop has moved. We are now at 705-A W. Rosemary St. Carrboro, NC. It is exactly two doors away from the old shop, and above our local watering hole, the Bow Barr. We have twice the space and now have separate rooms for drawing, piercing and tattooing. Over the next few months we will continue to decorate, but for now everything major is done and we are open for business. Here is how it is looking so far:

Also I got to do this fun reaper on drew last week. We have plans to make it less lonely and fill up the rest of his torso.

And did these horns of Odin on another neighbor of ours who works at the burrito shop. Sorry for the shitty picture.

Finally I drew this for a client who has since decided she wanted something simpler to represent the triple goddess/norns. So this drawing is up for grabs and will go at a good price to whoever wants it:

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