Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Random fun tattoos

This guy wandered into the shop with a picture of a swordfish playing golf and said he wanted a scottish swordfish getting drunk. So I obliged him.

And Smith wanted a Sailor Jerry styled death's head moth. Nothing fancy but fun nonetheless.


Saturday, March 26, 2011


I finally finished a tattoo that has been in progress for over a year on my good friend Smith. I've known Smith since I was 18 years old and he is an incredible artist himself. I feel very fortunate that he allowed me to do such a large piece on him.
Smith is a direct descendent of John Wesley Hardin, and so the tattoo is in keeping with his outlaw heritage.
The banner is his family motto, which is something along the lines of "The examples of his ancestors, followed without reproach."

We also started on his elbows (yes, both of them, the kid is a trooper). Hopefully those will be finished in the next couple of weeks.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

To begin

The first post on a new blog seems so useless. At this point no one knows of its existence, and thus there is no point in posting anything of importance. But still, You have to get it out of the way.

Maybe one day someone will go back through the archives and arrive here. So I will treat them to some beautiful old propaganda.
The Soviets sure knew how to do it. Classy killers they were.